
Strangers and Friends


In equal measure 

We are both 

strangers and friends.


The messages reassure

And weave a web

Of a connection that extends


Into an ephemeral treasure

Of a friendship true in the now.

Yet as likely to remain alive or to end


In equal measure

For we are, after all both

strangers and friends.

Touch me softly

Reach out to me.

 Touch me softly

Bring all of you and meet me

Just beyond my skin.

For I'm here too. 

Touch me softly

Lose yourself in the energy

Just beyond my skin.

Merge with me here.

Touch me softly

Let Us first become We

Just beyond my skin.

The Meeting

I wonder sometimes where it was that I first met you.

When I read your message and that set off in me a thought?

Or earlier when you were just potential to which form had not been brought?

Was I meeting you at all through early exchanges where nothing was said?

Or did I meet you for the first time when I let you into my head

As a possibility, a voice, a friend, perhaps something more?

Did we meet long before I saw you at my door?

Have we met at all? Is it likely that we will?

Will meeting you so, add to or take away the thrill?

Is it in the meeting of the mind, body or soul

That two separate beings into fullness can unfold? 

A Prayer for You

I whispered a prayer for you...

You who pray for one and all,

with strength and belief in the things you do

and unwavering faith in him, upon whom you call.

My own faith is nascent and questioning yet,

My beliefs are tempered by an open mind

that accepts that all I trust maybe upset.

It's a supple strength deep in my soul I find 

That prompts me to pray, however softly.

My prayer for you has no shape or form

No words that can cause delight to the ears,

or on reaching the heart, set off a storm

that toss up wild waves of hopes and fears.

Words wear limits and my prayer is free

from the boundaries and failings of humankind,  

boundless,timeless, replete with pure energy 

it draws its power from a realm divine.

Thus I pray for you, very softly.  

Deliciously Incomplete

There will come a day when

despite the unfolding of moments sweet

I will deliberately lay down this pen

and leave this story... deliciously incomplete 

Not because completion won't be in sight

The journey's end may be absurdly near

Yet in the moment we are in, will be such delight

And the fullness of our union we will hold so dear

That to take another step would mean

risking the incredible beauty in the now

Where completion cannot by us be seen

Without detracting from perfection somehow

Then these pages with unwritten lines shall fill

Songs of love that will remain unsung

Yet for both you and I a journey far greater still

On the path to completion will have just begun.